-    KOSCO    -

Corporate Spirit and Management Strategy

People are the driving force behind Kosco and the source of 
strong competitiveness that will enable us to continue our success in the future.

Corporate Spirit

Kosco grows its business along with the growth of its people.


Company Motto

Passion is the value of belief and action  /  Challenge is the value of a joyful future  /  Learning is our humble value

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Management Philosophy

We will create customer value through transparent management that adheres to business ethics and follows the right path.

  • A trusted company with the best quality
  • A human-respecting company that provides a rewarding workplace
  • A global company that creates a rich customer environment
  • A future company that pioneers our space and environment

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Management Strategy

Kosco grows its business along with the growth of its people.

People are the driving force behind Kosco and the source of strong competitiveness that will enable us to continue our success in the future. 
This belief in people is at the center of Kosco's management strategy.
Kosco's strategy means a virtuous cycle structure in which the growth of people becomes the driving force for the growth of the company, 
and the growth of the company in turn provides opportunities for individuals to grow.
Kosco believes that the long-term growth of the company is only possible through people.

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Kosco believes that the long-term growth of the company is only possible through its people.
Therefore, Kosco respects all its members as individuals and puts talent development at the top of all management activities.

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Genuine Care and Development

KOSCO takes a genuine interest in each individual and supports their growth.We provide opportunities for growth through work and performance, motivating individuals toward self-fulfillment and pride while empowering them with the drive to succeed.

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Inhwa (Harmony)

At Kosco, Inhwa represents true teamwork built on warmth and confidence.
It means that all members of the organization act and communicate confidently and freely with each other within fair rules.
Kosco's true Inhwa is the realization of a warm performance-oriented system that makes members feel a sense of belonging and stability.

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Continuous Growth

Kosco pursues long-term, sustainable growth through its people.
Kosco's talent has ever-increasing expectations and drives growth through passionate innovation and change.
And this business growth, in turn, leads to the growth of people.


Excellent Products and Technology

Kosco constantly strives to accurately understand what customers want through continuous innovation and 
secure differentiated and fundamental competitiveness in products and technology.

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Advanced and Scientific Systems and Processes

Kosco establishes advanced and scientific systems and processes and streamlines the way we work, 
thereby creating a foundation for people and business to grow together.
